WFMW – Working Together

As you might have seen in my earlier post, Strike Up the Band, Pete and I had a little hitch in our giddyup when our summer was filled with a whole lot of work travel for him and packing/unpacking for me. I just wanted to share what got us dancing again, because it was totally unexpected!

The house that we moved out of was a brand new, “perfect” house (if you’ve ever bought a new house, you know why I put quotes around the word “perfect.” Ha.). At any rate, there really wasn’t a lot of work for us to do once we got the landscaping and window coverings in.

The house we moved into is only thirteen years old, but there are lots of things to do. The people that lived here before us … well, it’s possible that home maintenance was against their religion (I’m exaggerating, I promise).

Each weekend, therefore, has become all about projects. Makes me grumpy thinking about it. However (I’m getting to the point, I swear), when Pete and I spent last Saturday pulling out weeds and cleaning up the walkways and adjusting the basketball hoop down to a height that our daughters have a breath of a chance at hitting with the ball, we achieved a lot more than shaping up our house. We solved problems together (the basketball hoop adjustment knobs were tweaked, so we had to be creative); we sneezed and “bless you’d” together as we dealt with our common weed allergies; we got frustrated together; and we triumphed over those frustrations together.

By the end of the day, we didn’t smell very good, but we were both grinning and felt closer than we have in months.

Works for me! Here’s what works for Shannon.

12 thoughts on “WFMW – Working Together

  1. I am amazed that dh and I can get along while sharing our blog. Ha! Talk about opportunity for some real conflict – what fonts to choose, banner pictures, how many pictures per post, captions, who garners the most comments.

    It’s intense people! 🙂 Thanks for sharing a little bit of your walk through marriage.

    Duckabush Blog

  2. Karen,

    That makes me think of the Nichole Nordemann song, “We Build!” (I have had her songs in my head like crazy lately.) I love the line, “Did it seem to you like the storm just knew we weren’t quite finished with the roof, when it started?”

    I am so grateful that Pete and I work together well–not all the time, of course, but it’s so great when we do!

  3. So true, so true! Working together in the same room on different projects is one that works for us. Its being able to just talk about the random things that come to mind! Wonderful!

  4. What a wonderful post! Glad you two can get closer working on projects together. The only project that drives me and my hubby apart is cleaning out the garage. He wants to throw out everything and if I think there will be a need for something in the future, I want to keep it. Please pray for us, that’s the project we are doing the weekend after Labor Day.

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